Ursuline Secondary School

Transition Year

As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world but in being able to remake ourselves.” Gandhi

When students have completed the Junior Cycle, they have the option to participate in Transition Year. The Transition Year programme in the Ursuline has been devised for the enrichment of students’ learning experiences, with the purpose of laying a solid foundation for the Leaving Certificate programme. Each student has the opportunity to develop their own skills, talents and to apply them diligently in a process of independent learning.

There is a full academic programme timetabled for TY students, with the content designed to introduce the pupils to those subjects at Leaving Certificate level. They sample modules of all Leaving Certificate subjects, thus enabling them to make a clear, informed choice of subjects for the Leaving Certificate programme. The pupils also take modules on a rotation basis during the year and there are a variety of Extra Curricular Activities and Workshops.

Example Timetable

Core Subject

English, Irish, Maths, Religion

Taster subjects

Business/Economics/ Accounting/ Mini Company
History / Geography
French /German

Personal Development/ Career Guidance

ICT/ P.E/ Choir

Example Extra Curricular Activities

Competitions – Essay & Poetry writing/ Photography, Drama, Baking and lots more.
An Gaisce
Drama/ Musicals, Radio Podcasts
Public speaking/ Debating/ Comhairle na nOg
Green Flag/ Young Scientist/ SciFest/ Junk Kouture/ Angus Beef
TY Orchestra/ Choir

Example Workshops and Guest Speakers

First Aid/ Manual Handling
Road Safety – several workshops and guest speakers
Dance, Drumming
Law, Gender Bias, Developing World
Law and Forensics
Drama and Film Making
Positive Mental Health and Resilience

All pupils take the mandatory Work Experience as required under DES guidelines for the Transition Year programme.

The year is designed to enable the students to take greater responsibility for their own learning and decision making. The students will participate in learning strategies which are active and experimental, and which will help them to develop a range of transferable critical thinking and creative problem solving skills. It provides the students to broaden their educational experiences beyond the classroom.

Dec 09
School Closed : Long Weekend
Dec 17
Christmas Carol Service
Dec 19
Christmas Mass of the Gifts
Jan 20
School Closed : Teacher CPD
Templemore Road,
Eircode: E41ET35.
0504 22147
© 2024 Ursuline Secondary School